Our Commitment

From preparation to placement, we support women executives as they transition into impactful board roles.

Adopting a Holistic Approach

In a one-stop-shop approach, we bring together everything an executive needs to become a successful board member.

Joining Forces

the Boardroom is a meeting point for top executives, men and women, who are committed to improve corporate governance and increase diversity at the board level. Male supporters are an integral part of our efforts to foster a culture of inclusion in the corporate environment.


Being the only or one of the only women in a room full of men can be challenging. Through inspirational events, we bring together renowned personalities from around the world to inspire women to grow as leaders. After all, “you can’t be what you can’t see”.

Building a Close Community

We are a vetted community of female executives from different industries, companies and functions, who come together at a member-exclusive, state-of-the-art permanent physical location, the Private Clubhouse.
