• How to run a high-performing business: Hire more women leaders

    by Diana Markaki-Bartholdi | Published 19 March 2024 in Women’s empowerment Gender stereotyping is the enemy of men who want to run successful, sustainable businesses. It’s also the enemy of women who want to work for successful, inclusive companies with gender diversity at every level – including the bottom line. The societal attitude towards families

    March 19, 2024
  • Men’s attitudes need to change if we are to finally break the glass ceiling

    Raconteur, by Diana Markaki & Alexander Fleischmann| Posted on March 8, 2024 Both the existing processes for appointing senior company leaders and the behaviour of male board members are preventing women from receiving the recognition they deserve at the top of business “I believe the glass ceiling is real, that it destroys morale, and that

    March 12, 2024
  • New Research | “No More Excuses: How to finally shatter the glass ceiling and get more women onto boards”

      As we approach the 33rd anniversary of the US Department of Labor’s landmark report, The Glass Ceiling Initiative, the quote from Evan Kemp in the introduction to the original report is as relevant today to some women in business as it was a third of a century ago, according to new research from IMD

    January 19, 2024
  • “Unlocking the Boardroom”: The Podcast that Opens the Door to Leadership

    What are the attributes of the art of “leadership” in today’s world? More and more articles attempt to dissect this concept, offering suggestions, theories and strategies, while discussing the skills that either propel individuals towards leadership positions or hinder their progress. Many of these references often tread a well-worn path, filled with clichés and generalities.

    October 1, 2023
  • 164: The Boardroom Reimagined | Diana Markaki

    Diana Markaki is the founder of The Boardroom, the first private members club for women executives who aspire to become board members. Diana is originally from Greece (Athens) and began her professional life as a corporate lawyer working in New York and London. After a number of years she decided to transition into business and

    September 3, 2023
  • Prepping women executives for the Boardroom with the founder and CEO Diana Markaki

    Diana Markaki spent 22 years in a successful corporate career before founding the Boardroom, an organization dedicated to preparing women who aspire to be board members. Here she sits down with Women on the Move Podcast Host Sam Saperstein to discuss how she built a rigorous approach for helping executive women get on boards. Women

    August 17, 2023
  • A Conversation about Boards: with Diana Markaki – Bartholdi.

    Below are highlights from our conversation with Diana Markaki-Bartholdi on our podcast “Unlocking the Boardroom”. Diana Markaki – Bartholdi is the Founder and CEO of the Boardroom, the first private club for women executives who aspire to be board members. Gender equality is good for both men and women Men need to be part of

    July 24, 2023
  • Finance for Non-Finance Board Members: A conversation with Stuart Warner. 

    In the latest episode of our podcast “Unlocking the Boardroom,” we had the privilege of sitting down with Stuart Warner, an internationally renowned Finance Expert and author of four finance books. Stuart also serves as the Course Leader of Module 3 in the Boardroom’s board-readiness program, where he focuses on empowering non-finance board members with

    July 24, 2023
  • How Diversity on Boards Can Drive Business Success: A conversation with Andreas Utermann.

    Below are highlights from our conversation with Andreas Utermann on our podcast “Unlocking the Boardroom”. Andreas Utermann serves as Chairman of the Board of Vontobel Holding since April 2022, previously serving as CEO of Allianz Global Investors. In addition to his impressive career, he also serves as a Governor for various academic institutions and as

    July 24, 2023
  • What does the Future of Work-Life Balance look like?: A conversation with Christine Armstrong

    Below are highlights from our conversation with Christine Armstrong on work-life balance, on our podcast “Unlocking the Boardroom”. Christine Armstrong is an internationally renowned researcher, author and vlogger on the future work. Christine has an amazing way of summarizing the key findings of lengthy and complex research in a profoundly simple way, making you questions

    July 24, 2023
  • The Art and Science of Leadership: A conversation with Shelley Zalis

    Shelly Zalis is the founder and CEO of The Female Quotient, a company that works with Fortune500 companies to advance diversity and inclusion. Also known as the “Chief Troublemaker”, Shelly Zalis is an internationally renowned thought leader, movement maker, and champion of equality who not only understands the rules of business but also knows how

    July 16, 2023
  • Are you Ready to Serve on a Board: A conversation with Cindy Gallop

    Cindy’s LinkedIn profile says it all, “I like to blow sh*t up. I am the Michael Bay of business.” Gallop is a champion of women’s right and issues. She’s the founder of MakeLoveNotPorn, a site for real world sex. Prior to entering the startup world, she was Chairman/President of Bartle Bogel Hegarty US, a global

    July 12, 2023
  • Women on Corporate Boards: What pipeline issue?

    Written by Diana Markaki – Bartholdi, Founder – the Boardroom Senior-level women—executives at the level of vice president and up—have dedicated a great deal to their careers over their lifetimes, working to earn promotions and run teams, often in workplaces that are structurally biased against women. They are leaders. They are trailblazers. In my book,

    June 18, 2021
  • #146: The Keys to Creating a Personal Roadmap to the Boardroom, with Diana Markaki

    Interview on Boardroom Bound Podcast Click here to listen now!   If you are interested in a #board career but do not know exactly where or how to start, you may find Diana Markaki’s interview to Alexander Lowry on Boardroom Bound Podcast interesting. During this 30’ discussion with Alexander, Diana talks about how she landed

    May 18, 2021
  • She-cession: The latest victim of COVID-19 is gender equality

    Written by Diana Markaki – Bartholdi, Founder – the Boardroom Even in the best of times, being a woman leader comes with extra challenges, as women are often held to higher performance standards and blamed more for failures. Senior-level women are often the only woman in the room at work, and “Only” women are more

    April 18, 2021